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Usar 1 ou 2 vezes por semana. Aplique à noite sobre o rosto previamente limpo. Massageie suavemente com as pontas dos dedos até a absorção completa. Lembre-se sempre de complementar seus tratamentos com retinoides e ácidos com o uso diário de protetor solar, reduzindo a exposição ao sol e reforçando a hidratação da pele.
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Gluconolactona 10%: Ácido da família dos PHA. Suas propriedades menos irritantes do que as dos AHA e BHA fazem dele um aliado para peles sensíveis nos processos de renovação celular da pele.
Ácido Mandélico 10%: Ácido da família dos Alfa-Hidroxi Ácidos, com um poder de esfoliação moderado, perfeito para eliminar pequenas imperfeições e renovar gradualmente a camada mais superficial da pele.
Complexo Peptídico Calmante 5%: Complexo de peptídeos calmantes para combater a ação irritante e inflamatória dos ácidos como parte do processo de renovação da pele.
Very good
Seitdem ich das Nachtserum benutze, habe ich total gute Haut und vorallem wesentlich glatter .Ich benutze das Serum jeden Abend.
Sanftes Peeling, macht die Haut ebenmäßig und weich. Sehr angenehm, ich liebe es
Ich nutze das Smoothing Treatment täglich als Basis für meine Feuchtigkeitscreme und bin mehr als zufrieden! Die Haut ist super entspannt, ruhig und fühlt sich toll gepflegt an. Große Empfehlung!
I am loving this product so far. First time using this particular product from this line, makes my skin feel fantastic after using and in the morning my skin looks amazing.
I use have used the CP, HAPCA and the DP for around 8 months now and I am so pleased that I discovered this company and this line of products. Keep up the good work, I am now trying a few products from the Transparent line, will report soon.
Ich kann es nicht täglich verwenden, aber 2x wöchentlich sorgt es für schöne und strahlende Haut.
Personally, I only exfoliate once a week and only at night;as a maintenance routine.
I have tried many exfoliating products but most of them are to strong or to weak. Many contain too much drying alcohol or they add to much moisturizing agents that leave the skin greasy.
This particular product from Theramid is quite gentle and easy to apply. It spreads nicely on the skin and leaves a silky velvety feeling behind. Not to rich but also not drying.
I use it immediately after taking a shower to increase the rapid penetration and increase the benefits of the acids. In the meantime, I continue with the rest of my body using the Transparent Lab glycolic lotion for the body :) .by the time you know you are ready for your next step in your skin care routine .
In my opinion , if you are new to acids on your skin, this is a nice one to experiment with. I think it's on the safe side if you have a darker skin tone. I would recommend this product.
Verfeinert Poren und gleicht Unebenheiten aus
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