Aplicar diariamente de manhã e à noite no rosto previamente limpo. Massageie suavemente com as pontas dos dedos até total absorção. Você pode aplicá-lo sozinho ou combiná-lo com seu soro ou hidratante favorito. Pela manhã, aplique sempre protetor solar com proteção 30 ou superior.
15% Ácido Azelaico: Um poderoso ativo antioxidante obtido de cereais como trigo, centeio e cevada. Possui propriedades antibacterianas, anti-inflamatórias e despigmentantes que ajudam a reduzir o aparecimento de manchas, vermelhidão e manchas, controlam a produção de sebo e reduzem a aparência dos poros para uma pele mais uniforme, lisa, luminosa e sem manchas.
1% Carnosina: Ativo antienvelhecimento inovador com efeito 360º reconhecido pelas suas notáveis propriedades antiglicação e antioxidantes. A sua ação centra-se na estimulação da síntese de colagénio para corrigir e reduzir visivelmente os sinais de envelhecimento, melhorar a firmeza e elasticidade da pele, bem como manter a pele protegida de todo o espectro luminoso e do stress oxidativo.
1% Aveia Coloidal: Um ingrediente ativo anti-inflamatório, calmante e protetor que alivia a coceira e a vermelhidão. Além disso, ajuda a restaurar a barreira protetora da pele, mantendo níveis ótimos de hidratação e melhorando a capacidade regenerativa da pele.
I don't usually write reviews but I like this product so much and it's such a great addition to my skincare routine. I already had a solid routine before I got this serum but this has helped so much with my stubborn clogged pores on my forehead. My skin looks so smooth and airbrushed and I've noticed less sensitivity and redness as well. I even got compliments on my skin at a party recently!
I've tried a lot of different things from acids, salicylic acid, and retinoids for my closed comedones but nothing has noticeably reduced them until I tried this. I'm hoping it will be a good supporting active to help minimize my hyperpigmentation. It's a little pricey but I think it's worth it and I would repurchase since 15% AZ is prescription strength in the U.S. Also, the texture is nice and lightweight and plays well with other ingredients/actives. This will probably become a staple in my lineup.
Love it
Ich habe diese Creme aufgrund einer Empfehlung von einer Hautärztin ausprobiert und muss sagen,dass sie einfach top ist. Ich kaufe sie jetzt regelmäßig, nutze sie allerdings nur abends, das reicht meiner Haut. Ich liebe diese Creme!
Odličan proizvod
Me está yendo genial para mis rojeces y marcas de acné
I love this product as it really helps my skin with irritation
This cleared my pimple prone skin on my chin& reduced redness. I stopped using when bottle was finished and noticed return of blemishes after a few weeks so reordered. After using Azid again for just 5 days I already notice an improvement & unclogged pores.
When I wanted to try azelaic acid (due to pregnancy and not being able to use retinol), this was definitely the best product I could find in terms of percentage, price, and formulation (specifically, no silicones). Although I was mostly interested in reversing my melasma (which is mild), I found that it was actually most effective at preventing the formation of comedones (which is something I otherwise struggle with, especially when the weather begins to cool down and I'm not able to use retinols). This fall, I basically haven't had any comedones at all! I'm now starting to transition back to using retinols (eager to start using the Clinical Vitamin A serum from this brand), but in the meantime, this product has been a godsend. As for cons: it's a bit drying for my otherwise normal-to-dry skin and it took a while for my skin to get used to it. While most reviewers have said that this is gentle on their skin, I didn't find that to be the case for myself (possibly because of pregnancy).